Restock > Not Approved Tab Explained

Viewing voided/not approved buy orders on your restock page

Dan McCarty avatar
Written by Dan McCarty
Updated over a week ago

Restock > Not Approved Tab Overview
The Restock > Not Approved Tab is where unapproved buyorders are located.

You can view, or move an unapproved buyorder back to buyorder process.

To view the content of a buyorder, either click the open link to the left of the buyorder, or click the buyorder ID of the buyorder you would like to see.

To delete a buyorder click the small recycling can icon to the far right.

To progress an buyorder down the buyorder process, click the drop down and select the next status.

There is also an advance search to allow you to narrow down your view to a specific group of buyorders.
Advanced Buyorders search:

  • Buyorder ID: Allows you to search by a specific buyorder ID.

  • Customer Name: Allows you to search by a customer's name.

  • E-Mail: Allows you to search by a customer's E-mail.

  • Product Name: Allows you to search by a specific product that's contained in your orders.

  • Payment made with: Allows you to search by the type of payment method the customer would like to be paid out in.

  • Created on after: Allows you to search by the date the buyorder was created on after.

  • Created on before: Allows you to search by the date the buyorder was created on before.

  • Containing products from: Allows you to search orders containing products from a specific category.

For an overview of the Restock tab Click Here

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