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CardTrader Sales Channel Integration
CardTrader Sales Channel Integration

All you need to know about the CardTrader sales channel integration, how to set it up, how it works, and where to find more details.

Matthew Schwartz avatar
Written by Matthew Schwartz
Updated over a week ago


CardTrader is an easy to use marketplace for Collectibles, charging the lowest fees

and letting you sell worldwide with just one domestic shipment every week.

CardTrader Order Types

Like TCGPlayer, there are 2 types of orders on CardTrader:

  1. Direct-to-the-buyer orders, and

  2. Zero orders

The direct-to-the-buyer are "classical" orders.

The Zero-orders are like the TCGplayer Direct service.

The direct-to-the-buyer orders are handled entirely by CrystalCommerce. There is no interaction with CardTrader for those orders.

The Zero orders are still handled on CrystalCommerce, but you need to login to CardTrader once per week to mark the order as shipped.

How are items synced?

When the integration is enabled in your CrystalCommerce account, all supported products in your inventory will be listed on the CardTrader marketplace.

The system checks for new prices and quantities every hour.

When an order is placed, the quantity updates in your CrystalCommerce inventory within 10 minutes, to reduce the chance of an oversell across other sales channels.

About the Integration

If you don’t have a CardTrader account, one will automatically be created for you upon completion of the instructions below. You will receive an email from CardTrader with further information and a link to change the automatically generated password.

If you already have a CardTrader account, but haven’t connected to your CrystalCommerce admin, when setting up the integration be sure to use the same email address as you used to register on CardTrader. The system will recognize the existing account and create the connection.

Steps to enable integration

  1. In your CrystalCommerce admin, either use the shortcut at "Channels > CardTrader" or navigate directly via "Account > Integrations > CardTrader"

  2. Enter your email address in the “Get started” section.

  3. Review the terms of service and privacy notice before checking the box that you agree with them.

  4. Click the “Connect account” button.

  5. Check your email for the verification code.

  6. Enter the code from that email into the field on the verification page step

  7. Click “Verify account”

Steps to disable the integration

  1. Go to the integrations area in your CrystalCommerce admin and find the CardTrader tab.

  2. Click “Disconnect account”

  3. In the popup, read the notes to confirm that you understand what will happen, and then click “Disconnect account”

Note: It’s possible to reconnect a previously disconnected account. Simply use the same email address to set up the integration again.


What are the fees?

CardTrader fees - please see the Payments, fees, and refunds page

CrystalCommerce fees - The same low 2.5% fee applies as all our other sales channel integrations

How are payments handled?

To learn about payments and credit, please see Payments, fees, and refunds page

How does shipping work?

Shipping methods are preset. If you are a professional seller you can fully customize them. For more information, please see the Shipping Methods page

Which product lines are supported?

For a list of product lines that are currently supported, and those coming soon, please click the button below, which will open a shared Google Spreadsheet

I don’t have a CardTrader account. Do I need to create an account on the CardTrader website first?

No, setting up the integration in your CrystalCommerce admin will automatically create an account for you. You will receive an email with a randomly generated password, and a link to change it.

I already have a CardTrader account. How do I connect it?

Follow the instructions noted on this page, and use the same email address as you did when you registered for your CardTrader account.

Do I get any reports or notices about what was sold?

Yes. CardTrader sends you an email after each sale, with things like the name of the buyer, the list of the items, and the delivery address. You’ll also be able to see the order in your CrystalCommerce admin in the Orders section.

How do I view reports and info about sales?

You can view the orders in your CrystalCommerce admin, on the order page. You can also view the orders on, but this is not required. You may run reports from your CrystalCommerce admin using the existing reporting features.

How do I keep the same CardTrader account, but change the email address that was used to register it?

Email CardTrader's support team and request the change to the registered email address for your CardTrader account. After they make the change, go back into your CrystalCommerce admin, disable the CardTrader integration, then set it up again using the new email address.

What happens when I disconnect the CrystalCommerce CardTrader integration?

If you disconnect your CardTrader account from CrystalCommerce:

- Inventory and sales will no longer sync in either direction.

- Inventory already on CardTrader will remain listed and available for purchase.

- Your CardTrader account will remain active

If you want to entirely stop selling on CardTrader, see the next question below.

How do I stop selling on CardTrader?

Follow the “Steps to disable the integration” noted on this page, and then log into your CardTrader account on and turn on Vacation mode.

Who do I contact for help?

If your question is regarding the CrystalCommerce service, website, or admin, please contact the CrystalCommerce support team.

If your question or issue is related to the CardTrader service, website, or admin, please contact the CardTrader support team.

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