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How do I add an image to a new web page / news post I made?
How do I add an image to a new web page / news post I made?

Adding and or updating an image to a new web page or a new news post article from the design tab

Darren Cunningham avatar
Written by Darren Cunningham
Updated over a week ago

You can create your own web pages and news posts for your fans!

In order to add an image to a page, you will need a platform that allows you to upload your image and host it for you.

Our recommendation is to use imgur!
It is free, easy to use and does not require an account!

The instructions:

  1. Head over to the imgur website and upload your image.  At the time of writing this article, on the imgur website, there is a 'New Post' button on the top left hand corner.

2. You will be greeted with a new page to upload your image.

3. Once that is done, hover over the image and you will see a 'Copy Link' box appear.  Go ahead and copy the link!

4. Next, open your link in a new window, and you'll see your image!  Right-click it and choose 'Copy Image Address'

5. And now with our link, we just need to head over to our new web page / news post, click on the image icon at the bottom and enter in the URL we just copied, hit the insert button, and that's it!

Very simple! Make sure you also check out our other help article with updating your webstore's news posts widget!

For more marketing promotion materials for your website, be sure to check out our marketing materials page for all the game and hobby images your store needs!

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