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Your Online Store's Deal of the Day Widget (Premium Version)
Your Online Store's Deal of the Day Widget (Premium Version)

Showcase a countdown timer on your site

Dan McCarty avatar
Written by Dan McCarty
Updated over a week ago

Showcase your products with a cool countdown and display for each day of the month, or even weekly. Deal of the Day Premium was designed to make it easier for users to show products without needing to tag individual days of the month.

Why have a deal countdown on your website?

Showcasing products has always been a popular choice, whether your a convenient store or a small online shop. 

How does a deal countdown affect your business?

People take noticed to single products positioned nicely on your site and have more incentive to buy.

Adding the widget to your website

The deal can be added to any section of your site, we prefer the homepage at the very top of your content. This gives it the best placement and is the first thing your visitors will see. Deal of the Day Premium


  • Custom heading

  • Tag products for the whole month, week, or current day

  • Display auto rotates products each day

  • Autofinder can be set to find products when nothing is tagged

  • Auto hide can be set if nothing is tagged

  • Set to your timezone

  • Add products directly to cart

How to use deal of the month

For the deal of the month to properly work you will need to tag 1 product for every day of the month. So if there are 31 days in the month then you will tag 31 products the same tag name. This is critical for your display to rotate them out with no problems.

To tag your products for the month of April use the tag: deals-apr-2018 

How to use deal of the week

For the deal of the week to properly work you will need to tag 1 product for each week of the month. There are 4 weeks in every month, each product will show for one given week until it's over and the next week begins.

To tag your products weekly for the month of April use the tags:
deal-apr-week2-2018 deal-apr-week3-2018 deal-apr-week4-2018 

How to use deal of the day

For the deal of the day to properly work you will need to tag 1 product for each day you'd like to showcase it. The product will only show for the single day it is tagged.

To tag specific days for the month of April use the tags: deal-apr-1-2018 deal-apr-15-2018 deal-apr-28-2018 

Tagging products

You can easily find your current tag names for the month, week, or day by entering /?mytags into your url bar. This will reload the page and show the pink box above your display.

Then just find the products you want to tag in your inventory and add the tag names. 

Tagging precedence

There is a pecking order with the tagging system setup for this part, this mean that certain tags will show over others. The order of precedence goes as follows:

  1. Daily tags

  2. Weekly tags

  3. Monthly tags

Basically if you have products tagged for the entire month, and you want a product to show on a single day or week, you would tag the the new item, and because it has higher precedence it will show instead of your deal of the month. Then of course once the deal has expired it will return back to your monthly deals.

Using the Autofinder

The autofinder was setup with the realization that not all clients have the time to tag products every month, so what this option will do is look for your newest products in stock over $4. It will then automatically rotate a new product each day.


  • The monthly deals do not allow you to select which day each product will show, it will base them alphabetically.

  • Autofinder does not give you any control on what it shows.

  • Countdown timer will match your timezone, but the product may not change until our timezone due to where our servers are located.


Tagged items not showing up

If you've tagged products and they are not showing up after 10 minutes then check the tag name to be sure it's correct and that your product is in stock, if it still continues please contact support.

Deals for the month are showing the same product as the previous day

This will happen if you did not tag for the whole month, because if today is the 16th and you only tagged 15 products, then number 15 is the last one to show. You'll need to finish tagging for the entire month to solve this.

Sometimes the sites can cache and a display won't change on time, you can always try clearing the cache by using /?force=true in your url.

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