Using Batch Update to Set Reserve Qty

How to use batch udate to set reserve quantity for a bulk amount of products.

Dan McCarty avatar
Written by Dan McCarty
Updated over a week ago

The Reserve Quantity is a Variant level setting, that prevents the Reserved amount from showing as available through the sales channels. This can be useful for keeping a specific amount available as In Store only, or to temporarily prevent a product from selling out.

The Batch update feature, makes it easy to set this for a large amount of products, and conditions at once.

  1. Select the category(ies) that you want to affect.

2. Above the list of Categories, there's a drop down for Product Type. If it didn't select that automatically, you want to make sure to choose the corresponding product type.

3. After the Product Type is selected, you should have a list of the Product Conditions, and/or and other Variants for the product type. You want to select all the Variants that you want to set the Reserve Quantity for.

Warning: Doing more than just English can potentially cause performance issues. We recommend NOT including Foreign languages in this type of update.

4. In the Batch Update section, mark the 3rd checkbox down, and select "Set Reserved Qty to" and enter the amount you want to set the reserve qty to. (If you're trying to hide product from sales channels, you want to set this higher than your Total Quantity)

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