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Import; How to Make Products Available for Your Store's Inventory
Import; How to Make Products Available for Your Store's Inventory

How to import products from our catalog into your inventory. Import new products into your store.

Dan McCarty avatar
Written by Dan McCarty
Updated over a week ago

Importing products into your admin is a very important part of maintaining your inventory. All product imports are performed by the client, so it is important to understand the process. Once these products are imported, you can add quantities, prices, etc.

To import products:

  1. Make sure you've created a product category to import into. The category must have the "Category can contain Products" check-box checked. For more info on creating categories, please see our Inventory > Categories overview. If you are going to import the products into a sub-category of a previously existing category (example: Magic Singles), you can skip this step.

  2. Navigate to the Inventory > Import tab.

  3. Under "Browse Categories", select the product category you wish to import from the menu. If there is a sub-category, these will then be shown and you will need to select the sub-category. This is the best way to import a whole category of products (example: a new Magic: The Gathering set). Alternatively, you can use the "Search Products" tab if you want to search up individual products for import. This is handy if you do not know where the product you are looking for should be located.

  4. After choosing which of the products you want to import, click search. You may also use the descriptor filters (such as name) to narrow down your search criterion. Note: The search on this page will only return 500 products at a time. Some categories contain many products, so you may need to run additional imports in order to import all of the products.

  5. Select the destination category you wish to import the products into. You have two options here: you can either import into a previously setup category OR you can enter in the name of a new category. If creating a new category, you will need to select a parent category and assign a name to the new category.

  6. Click Import.

Note: You may be notified that descriptors need to be added to the destination product category to match up with the products you're importing. If this happens, please refer to the following article to add the proper descriptors to your Product Type.

Import Overview Training Video





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